Innovation In The City Pitch Night
The Gallery
Wed, 22 Nov 2023 6:00 PM – 10:00 PM ACDT
30 Waymouth Street Adelaide, SA 5000 Australia
Innovation in the City next event for the year is a Pitch Night and we are seeking, Startups, SME, Business Owners, Founders and Investors to do a 4 Minute pitch to promote their Business, Idea, Start up and investment strategy.
So, if you’re an investor, business owner, startup, inventor, angel investor, and you want to pitch on the night register now.
Also if you don’t want to pitch and you just want to meet people and promote your business then you should also register.
If you are an Angel investor or new to investing but want to know how you can invest in our Adelaide start up community, then you should register.
We look forward to seeing you promote your business to our #Adelaide audience and who knows who you will meet and what doors will be opened for you.
The team at Innovation in the City know firsthand business is all about the conversations we have with the people we meet to stimulate and promote #SouthAustralian business to grow our economy now and for future generations.
Innovation in the City is an organisation run completely by volunteers (Kristian Livolsi , Dominic Wiseman , Benjamin Woenig , Graham Hartland) who care about our city and state.
Venue: – The Gallery Level 1, 30 Waymouth Street, Adelaide South Australia 5000
Included in your ticket is a selection of cocktail food which caters for most dietary requirements.
Drinks will be at your own expense over the bar.